Torn: The Complete Series Page 11
Never in his wildest dreams had he expected Lucas to attack him. He rubbed his sore jaw where Lucas had managed to land a glancing blow. At least he had nailed the bastard one good one. The larger man had been getting the better of him.
When Shay had broken up the fight, he had expected her to come running to him, to fuss over his injuries. Weren’t women supposed to sympathize with the guy who had been attacked rather than the instigator of the fight?
But no, she had run to Lucas, clinging to him for comfort as she cried.
And then the unthinkable had happened: Lucas had kissed her. Jonathan hadn’t seen him kiss a woman since Sandra, and he hadn’t thought he ever would again.
He was losing this competition. Badly. And he refused to lose to that smug bastard ever again. He was going to take Shay back from him, whether she consented or not. And then he was going to slowly start destroying Lucas’ life.
The End
Caught between the Billionaires
Book 3: The Choice
Chapter 1
Shay sighed contentedly and lifted her face to the sun as they stepped out of the forest and onto the exposed rock face. Could this day be more perfect? The skies were a clear, Carolina blue, and the humidity was lessened enough at this altitude that she wasn’t sweating up a storm. The view up here was stunning: the gentle peaks of the Blue Ridge Mountains were a lush, verdant green, shifting to deepest blue as they stretched off into the distance.
And best of all, Lucas was at her side, holding her hand as they hiked through the woods and up the mountain.
They had stopped off for lunch on their way to the mountains, and Shay had the pleasure of introducing Lucas to North Carolina barbeque. He had been dubious about the fried pickles, but he soon dug in after she had convinced him to try one.
Shay was grateful that they had kept to conversation light, avoiding the elephant in the room: Jonathan. She wasn’t ready to talk about it yet, and it didn’t seem that Lucas was either. She desperately wanted to apologize, but she feared bringing it up would ruin the tentative relationship she was just beginning to build with Lucas.
So she kept her silence, relishing their time together before she would inevitably have to address the issue. They couldn’t avoid Jonathan forever, after all. In fact, they were certainly going to see him tonight at the soiree that Augustan Technologies had arranged to celebrate the impending construction of their headquarters next week.
She shook off thoughts of Jonathan. There was no point spoiling the day with worries about tonight. And, looking up into Lucas’ eyes, she found that it wasn’t so difficult to forget Jonathan.
He had turned into her, and he reached up a long-fingered hand to stroke her cheek. She shivered as even that light contact sent a small quiver of pleasure running through her. He bent down slowly, and she tilted her head back to offer her lips to him.
Joy shot through her at Lucas’ kiss. After being denied it for so long, she thrilled to the touch of his lips.
There was a newfound sense of trust between them. Shay could sense that he had been reluctant to kiss her before because of some difficulty trusting her, and although he hadn’t yet revealed the reasons for his initial reticence, she was pleased nonetheless.
His tongue probed her mouth, demanding entrance. She sighed into him as she obediently parted her lips, reveling in the way that he skillfully manipulated her body, lighting a fire in her as his innate power washed over her.
Suddenly, he broke the kiss. Shay let out a surprised squeak as he bent to hook an arm under her knees, supporting her back with the other. She found herself lifted up in his strong arms as he carried her further out onto the rock face.
“What are you doing?” She asked, a bit breathlessly.
He looked down at her sternly. “Quiet, sub,” he ordered, and her mouth snapped shut automatically.
Lucas scanned the area around them. Nodding in satisfaction, he lowered her onto the ground, laying her on her back. The roughness of the rock lightly scraped the exposed skin on her back and legs, and the warmth of it radiated through her thin tank top.
Lucas crouched beside her, staring down at her. Her skin wasn’t the only part of her body that heated as she met his glowing green gaze.
Never breaking eye contact, he reached down and unbuttoned her shorts, pulling the zipper down slowly. Just the hint of contact with her sex made her shudder.
“Lift up your hips,” he commanded.
She hesitated. Was he going to expose her right here? Out in the open?
She craned her head back to the line of trees, searching nervously for signs of other hikers. A loud crack echoed across the mountains, accompanied by a sharp sting on her inner thigh. Shay let out a gasp of surprise at the impact.
“Eyes on me, sub,” Lucas chastised. “Do as I say.”
Swallowing hard, Shay placed her feet flat against the rock, bracing herself as she lifted up her hips for him.
His fingers hooked over the top of her shorts, grasping her panties at the same time. Slowly, he pulled them down, peeling the clothing from her body. She shivered as the warm air hit her pussy. The rough material of her jean shorts running over her legs made her nerves come alive, and little tingles danced over her skin as he slowly exposed her.
When he had finally pulled the shorts over her ankles, he tossed them aside, far out of her reach. Then his hands encircled her wrists, pulling them upward and positioning her hands so that they were pinned under the back of her head.
A small tremor ran through her as she realized her helpless position. The possibility that anyone might approach at any time and witness her wanton behavior sent another tremble racing across her skin. Was it from fear or excitement? The wetness between her thighs told her which emotion it was.
Lucas sat back on his heels, admiring his handiwork. Without a word, he stripped off his shirt, revealing his hard body that Shay loved so much. She licked her lips as he unbuttoned his own pants, his cock springing free. It was thick and hard, ready to take her. Her legs began to quiver as he positioned himself over her, holding his weight off her by bracing his hands on either side of her head.
He drove into her suddenly, roughly, contrasting with his earlier agonizingly slow movements.
Shay moaned as he filled her, his impressive cock stretching her deliciously. He thrust into her mercilessly, hard and fast. With each jolt, her body shifted against the rock beneath her, the roughness of it scratching her back like the light bite of Lucas’ fingernails. The sensation only heightened her pleasure, making her hyper-aware of her entire body.
Ecstasy built within her, and she desperately tried to hold back the flood, not daring to orgasm without permission. She whined with the effort of it, and Lucas grinned a bit evilly at her distress, clearly pleased that she was adhering to his rules, giving him complete control of her body.
But his expression tightened as he neared his own completion. “Come with me, Shay,” he ground out.
Her sharp cry echoed around them as she came, bliss soaring through her as she let go completely. Holding herself back only increased the intensity of her orgasm when he finally allowed her release. She loved the sensation of his control in this, loved waiting for his permission. Her pussy contracted around him as his cock pulsed inside of her, emptying his hot seed into her.
He collapsed atop her, both of them breathing hard as the final tremors ran through her. They laid there, locked together for long minutes, utterly blissed out.
Shay wasn’t sure how much time passed, but eventually he slid out of her, buttoning up his pants. She was pleased that he left his shirt off, allowing her the opportunity to admire him.
He retrieved her panties and shorts and tenderly dressed her. She kept her hands laced behind her head, knowing that she was not to move until her gave her permission. When he had returned her modesty, he propped up on an elbow beside her. Although his expression held an enigmatic ferocity, his fingers traced light trails over her j
aw, her neck, her collarbone. It seemed an almost absent act, as though he didn’t even realize that he couldn’t stop himself from touching her.
Finally, he spoke.
“I…” he began hesitantly, his expression suddenly tentative. “I care for you, Shay,” he said, looking a bit surprised at his own admission. He appeared to marvel at the fact that he was saying the words aloud.
Shay’s breath caught in her throat; she was equally as surprised as he was.
Taking a deep breath, she said, “I care for you too, Lucas.”
She was relieved to finally say it, but the words didn’t seem enough to express the depth of her feelings for him.
This was the moment. She felt compelled to apologize for betraying him. If they were ever going to have a chance at a real relationship, she had to clear the air.
“Lucas,” she began, gathering her courage, “I… I want to apologize. For Jonathan.” She couldn’t bring herself to further articulate what she meant, but she knew he would understand.
His eyes tightened for a moment, and Shay could see both anger and guilt warring in them. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath.
“It’s all right, Shay,” he said finally, and her heart lifted. “It’s my fault for driving you away.” His mouth thinned to a hard line. “And Jonathan’s fault for pursuing you. I understand why you turned to him after how I treated you.”
Shay was momentarily at a loss for words, her elation marred by the guilt in her gut. She could hardly believe that he was apologizing to her. But she was thrilled that he was opening up to her, trusting her. And his forgiveness meant everything to her. There was just one more thing she yearned to understand.
“But why?” She asked softly. “Why did you drive me away?”
She struggled to hide the hurt in her voice as she recalled his coldness, but she didn’t quite succeed. Lucas’ eyes darkened with some remembered pain of his own. He was silent for a long moment, as though warring with himself.
Then his expression closed, his face turning to a hard mask. “I’m sorry for that,” was all he said.
“Come on,” he changed the subject, standing abruptly. “We should head back. We need to get cleaned up before the party tonight.”
Shay’s heart sank. He still didn’t trust her.
Chapter 2
Shay couldn’t help feeling nervous and guilty as Lucas led her into the ballroom at The Carolinian Hotel. She should be thrilled that Lucas had requested that she be his date, that they had shared an afternoon of passion. Hadn’t she just spent the last two weeks longing for him to return to her? Hadn’t she instinctively chosen his comfort over Jonathan’s after the fiasco at Tempest?
Remembering how he had shut her out earlier, she wasn’t so sure about where she stood with him.
But her undeniable joy at being with Lucas didn’t mean she didn’t feel like shit about how she had treated Jonathan. He had kept his distance for the past two days. She hadn’t heard a word from him since that night at Tempest.
She had considered calling him to apologize, but she was too much of a coward.
Although she should be blissfully happy to be on Lucas’ arm tonight, she couldn’t help thinking of her time with Jonathan. He had been so sweet to her, had never caused her pain as Lucas had.
Especially after how Lucas had changed toward her this afternoon, her rational mind told her that she had made the wrong choice; she had rejected the nice guy.
But her irrational gut told her that there had never even been a choice. Even when she had been with Jonathan, Lucas had never left her thoughts, her heart. Even now, her body was telling her she had chosen well. Her skin tingled where Lucas’ hand touched her bare arm, making it difficult to keep her focus on her tangled thoughts.
She was going to have to force herself to focus, to gather her courage. Jonathan would certainly be here tonight, and she had to be ready to face him. Would the passion between them still be there, tempting her? She would prefer that he was angry at her, pushing her away rather than having to face the prospect of harboring lingering feelings for him.
“Are you all right? You seem tense.”
Her attention turned to Lucas as he spoke to her softly, concern lacing his tone. She was caught up in his sincere green gaze. She didn’t want to lie to him, but the last thing she wanted to do was tell him about her feelings towards Jonathan. Not when she had just won him back.
“I’m just a bit nervous,” she hedged. There, that would have to do. She had learned better than to lie to Lucas; he could always tell when she was lying to him.
He frowned down at her, sensing her reticence. Mercifully, he said nothing, allowing her to guard her secret.
After a moment, his frown gave way to a small smile.
“Come on,” he said. “Let’s go do a bit of networking.” His eyes darkened with lust. “The sooner we get this over with the sooner we can get to other things.” He rubbed the pad of his thumb against her skin, and she shivered slightly at the contact. “You look beautiful tonight, Shay.”
She dropped her eyes, blushing. “Thank you,” she murmured.
It still amazed her that he thought of her in that way. Just a few weeks ago, she would have considered him way out of her league, but for some reason he was just as drawn to her as she was to him. And she wasn’t about to question it lest she jeopardize it.
She allowed Lucas to steer her towards a knot of sharply dressed men and women, straightening her shoulders and preparing to enter the fray. She knew she was doing well, and it didn’t hurt that Lucas kept turning the conversation in her direction. Doors were definitely being opened for her tonight, and she was thrilled at the prospect of further advancing her career through managing to snag this contract. She confidently asserted herself, and the men and women around her listened attentively.
But then her throat seized up, cutting off her speech; Jonathan had just entered the room.
“Shay?” Lucas asked, prompting her to rejoin the conversation. But she couldn’t. Not now that guilt and dread were pooling in her belly. She glanced toward him, her eyes apologetic.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “Please excuse me.”
Lucas’ expression tightened ever so slightly, and she was such a coward that she could no longer bear to meet his eyes. She turned on her heel and separated herself from the group, barely noticing the rumble of conversation that resumed behind her.
Her first instinct was to run. She wasn’t ready to face Jonathan.
But he was blocking the elevators, so there was no escape that way. She could go out on the balcony, but she would only be trapped there.
Stop being ridiculous! What was she going to do, hide out there for the rest of the evening?
Steeling herself, she began to walk toward him.
His eyes swept the room, stopping when they landed on her. She froze, all of her forced confidence leaving her. She couldn’t do this, couldn’t face him. But she was trapped in his unreadable blue gaze, unable to move away as he approached her. He stopped just short of entering her personal space, and she was grateful for that. The last thing she wanted was to piss Lucas off by seeming to flirt with Jonathan.
It was time for her to set things right, to apologize. No matter how awkward it would be.
But doing so was going to be even more difficult than she had anticipated. She couldn’t help the little tremor that ran through her as she gazed up at him. Anger filled her as she recognized it as desire. Why did her body have to betray her? Why had she let herself get into this mess in the first place?
“Hello, Shay,” he said softly. His voice seemed to caress her name, and heat flared low in her belly.
“Jonathan,” she said quickly, wanting to get this over with and escape from him. “I’m sorry-”
He held up a hand, stopping her. “You don’t have to apologize, Shay. I never should have put you in that situation.” Shay’s jaw dropped. Now he was apologizing to her? God, could the guy be any nicer?
It only made her feel shittier for rejecting him.
“I’m perfectly happy to resume our professional relationship,” he continued. “We are going to be working together for some time, and I wouldn’t want you to feel at all uncomfortable.” His expression was earnest, his eyes sincere. Shay could hardly believe it.
“Thank you,” she whispered. “I’d like that.”
“Have a drink with me?” He asked.
“Sure,” she said. It would be beyond rude to decline after how courteous he had just been.
Jonathan flagged down a waitress and handed Shay a glass of champagne.
“To a fresh start,” he toasted her. She clinked her glass against his politely. She tipped her head back, taking a longer draw of the drink than was strictly necessary. The bubbles fizzed pleasantly down her throat, this particular vintage sweeter than she was accustomed to.
“Shall we rejoin the group?” He asked.
Shay nodded and was relieved when he let her walk on her own rather than taking her by the arm.
But her stomach dropped when she saw the tightness of Lucas’ expression as they approached together. There were lines around his eyes, and his mouth was a thin slash.
She avoided his gaze as they joined the circle of people, but she couldn’t ignore the uncomfortable tension that seemed to trap her between the two Dominant men on either side of her.
Trying to fight her anxiety, she gulped down her champagne much faster than was wise. In minutes, her glass was empty, and a woman came to take it from her. She offered Shay another drink, but Shay declined. She was already feeling lightheaded.
The conversation seemed to be getting away from her. Caught in the palpable tension rolling off Jonathan and Lucas, she couldn’t seem to focus on anything. Her skin was becoming uncomfortably warm, but not in a good way. A light sheen of sweat broke out on her brow as her anxiety rose.